Hey! I’m Luke, and from the moment I discovered the narrative puzzle box that is editing, I was completely hooked. I’ve now been in post-production for almost twenty years.
Most of my television editing has been on panel and game shows, but scripted narrative is really where I want to be. My true passion is for all things comedy, but particularly offbeat character-driven comedies. You know how most people don’t want to be pigeon-holed? I would love that! More scripted comedy for me, please.
At the moment though, I am looking to hone my skills as an assistant editor. I am particularly keen to work alongside experienced scripted television editors, and learn as much as I can about their approach to cutting episodic and limited series projects.
Aside from performing the AE role on all the short films I’ve edited, I was recently 2nd AE during principal photography on Michael Gracey’s upcoming Robbie Williams feature biopic “Better Man”. I prepped and processed all the dailies, began work on the film’s VFX codebook, was described as “a godsend” by my 1st AE (thanks Mark!), and was asked to come back on to the project a second time when there were additional shoots many months later.
Are you an editor who needs a technical Watson to compliment their creative Sherlock? Are you in need of someone who can discuss the finer points of story arcs and character motivation while simultaneously prepping dailies, creating temp sound beds or doing VFX comps? Do you need someone in the office who will wear a different funky tee-shirt every day of the week?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we should probably have a chat. Please get in touch!